Friday, April 25, 2008

Stamped Molding Paste Backgrounds

This is a technique I'm very fond of. I love to spread molding paste around on things and dry brush it, but this lends itself to a much more rich look. It's really quite easy. I apply the molding paste to whatever substrate I'm working on. I most often use my finger, but other tools give a nice effect, too! Don't apply the paste too thickly or your stamp will sink in and you won't get a good impression. It makes a mess on your stamp and your piece. Let the molding paste skin over. Then just impress your stamp, remove it and clean it right away. Let the whole thing dry well and proceed with your project! You can get a lot of great looks with this technique!

1 comment:

Tami said...

Thanks, Karen, for this technique, I will try it!! I love the colors and text of your samples too.