There are some really disturbing things going on in Congress right now that can affect all of us who post any pictures on the internet, etc. If the legislation passes, you no longer will own the copyright to your own work at the moment of creation. You will have to register it with clearing-house type companies to have a copyright. And even that will not prevent someone from stating that it is orphaned and use it as their own or even registering it themselves. Who would police such a thing? I don't understand why this is even a consideration. It seems to me that the only people this will benefit are the registrars - of course it would be a fee-based registration process - and people who want to use other's artwork without paying for the right to do so. Imagine what a hassle it would be to register everything you produce! This makes me so mad that my head could spin right around a la Linda Blair! But I will not rant excessively here. Please check out the links below for more information. Go to the petition and sign it. Write to your Congressman and Senators. Tell them that this is not acceptable. It is another way our government is stripping our rights one by one. This legislation has been brought up before and defeated. They keep rewriting it and resubmitting it. And this time, some shady behind closed doors things are happening. Please, please educate yourselves and stand up for the rights of artists, crafters, and creators everywhere! Do you enjoy art blog surfing? Imagine no pictures for fear of theft of creative works. Imagine NO EYE CANDY for inspiration. It's a travesty. We must band together and be heard. Please do your part. Let everyone know about this. We can prevail if we are loud enough and strong enough. Thank you.
Sign the petition here - please use correct info - it must be verifiable.
Learn more about the Orhaned WOrks Act here:
It Only Makes Sense...
6 years ago
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